Great Lakes Hockey League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software
  • Mosinee Papermakers
  • DePere Deacons
  • Fox Cities Ice Dogs
  • Fond du Lac Bears
  • Eagle River Falcons
  • Portage Lake Pioneers
  • Calumet Wolverines
  • Marquette Mutineers
  • Dane County Dairy Kings
  • M&M Shamrocks
  • Sun Prairie Killer Bees

Rules and Regulations

The purpose of the Great Lakes Hockey League (GLHL) is to provide a high-quality competition and entertainment in Adult Men’s Hockey, as well as to promote the ideals, excitement and sportsmanship of the game of ice hockey.
1.  Commissioner: 
Administers and enforces these Regulations & Rules; preside    over meetings; make decisions regarding GLHL matters; and be provided reimbursement for travel, postage, Phone and any fax expenses
2.  Secretary/Treasurer/Publicist:
Handles money of the GLHL; record minutes of meetings; monitor and   publish the schedule; publish a newsletter when applicable, compile scores/stats (w-l-t, points scoring, goaltending). Make sure that scores/stats etc. are entered into Goalline in a timely manner by team officials. The S/T Deals with media when needed.  Salary will be $1500.00 per year plus reimbursement of postage, phone and office supplies.
                                         3. REFEREE-IN-CHIEF
Supervise all GLHL Officials; assign Referees and Linesmen for all games between GLHL teams; handle rules interpretations as per USA Hockey and GLHL guidelines for dissemination to officials and teams.  RIC shall be provided an annual salary of $750,00.   This salary is all inclusive.  He will also be reimbursed for his conference call with his officials.
Commissioner- Peter Krueger, Sec/Treas.- Warner Stebbeds, RIC-Ryan Reischel, Portage Lake-Wyatt Geshel, Calumet-Bruce Coppo, Eagle River-Mike Otto, Mosinee – Patrick Carlson, De Pere- David Lepp, Fox Cities- Nick Laird, Fond du Lac- Rob Coleman, Marquette- Joey Enright, M&M – Tyler Cahill, Dane County – Jim Behn, Sun Prairie – Michael Lukken
Each GLHL member shall have one Team Representative for    purposes of Discussion and voting at league meetings.
The annual meeting of the GLHL shall be held the last Saturday of    April, time and location to be determined by the Commissioner.  Other meeting may be call as necessary by the Commissioner or as requested by members       
Any appeal/protest of a Commissioners decision, suspension or    game situation must be made in writing to the Sec/Treas. within 24 hours of the affected incident, accompanied by a $35.00 fee, to be refunded if upheld.  Each team representative shall have one vote on original decisions.  Decisions by the Commissioner, may be overruled at a 2/3 majority vote of the Team Representatives.  There cannot be a vote on the Commissioners ruling until each team representative has a copy of the Referees report.  This will be sent to all team representatives.  Also any WRITTEN explanations by the APPEALANT.  Further information gathered by the Commissioner will also be included.  These items will be sent out AFTER an appeal is properly made to the GLHL.
Amendments to these Rules and Regulations may be only made at an annual GLHL meeting by proposal, discussion and vote by the Team Representatives; or shall be adjusted automatically as required by changes in USA Hockey policies and rules.
If a player sees a doctor and has confirmed concussion symptoms, a   medical release will be required   to return to play in the GLHLCoaches or GM’S will be expected to relay the medical opinion to the league office and forward the release to the league officers.
A. MEMBERS:   The Great Lakes Hockey League shall consist of 11 Teams, 1 Division. Marquette, Calumet, Portage Lake, Eagle River, Marinette/Menominee, Mosinee, De Pere, Fox Cities, Fond du Lac, Sun Prairie, Dane County.
1.  New Teams wishing to join the GLHL and former teams wishing to re-enter, shall be selected by a majority of the members at an annual meeting of the GLHL.
   2.  A request for membership must be received by the Commissioner and/or Sec/Treas. no later than the annual meeting prior to the season a team wishes to join/re-enter, to be acted upon at the annual meeting.
   3.  The new team(s) shall be a Probationary Team.  The Probationary team(s) shall play a GLHL schedule as defined in these rules and regulations.
  4.  The probationary team(s) shall attend the league meeting prior to season in which it wishes to play.  The probationary team(s) shall present to the league a commitment letter from the host rink that the probationary team(s) has sufficient ice available for scheduling.  The team shall present a non-offensive team name, logo and non-conflicting team colors.  The team shall explain to the members and the board why they want to be in the league and that they have sufficient players and funds to complete a regular GLHL season.
  5.  Members of the GLHL will vote to accept the new team as a probationary team by a simple majority vote.  If the new team does not get accepted the team may submit a letter to the league prior to the next league meeting, to try again to become a probationary team(s) in the GLHL.
  6.  Any no show for a game or forfeit will result in expulsion for the probationary team.  The $1000.00 forfeit fee will be distributed to the member teams that have been affected by the expulsion of the probationary team.
  7.  Probationary team(s) games will count in regular season standings. It will be a league decision by remaining league teams to determine if new team/s will be included in tournament play.
  8.  After completion of a full season, the conduct of probationary team or teams shall be reviewed by the Board.  Such teams shall be voted upon by the existing member teams to be accepted as full member(s) of the league by a majority vote.  The decision of the Board shall be a final determination of whether the probationary team becomes a regular member of the league.
  9.  If the probationary team is accepted and voted in to the league as a member, $1000.00 of the original entry fee will be held as a forfeiture bond.
 10.  The probationary team(s) shall designate a person who is responsible for the running of the team and for all communication the GLHL.  THIS PERSON SHALL SIGN A COPY OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE GLHL.
 11.  Expulsion of a probationary team(s) can be for any major infractions of these rules and regulations, rules of USA HOCKEY, or any actions deemed harmful to the GLHL.  This expulsion can happen within the probationary season or at the end of the probationary season.  An expulsion vote will be called upon by the Commissioner of the GLHL to all the member teams.  The probationary team(s) will be expelled on a majority vote of the members of the GLHL.
 12.  Re-entering teams shall play a one-season probationary/schedule along with required fees, re-entering teams must have committed home dates for scheduling purposes at this annual meeting.\
 13.  Probationary teams/regular GLHL teams shall play at least 2 games.  One at each team’s arena
1.  As a representative of the probationary team, I have fully read and    understand these rules and regulations, can file no suit or take legal action as a result of expulsion from the GLHL.  I have the authority to sign this document to make it legal.
Printed Name__________________________________________
1.  Member teams shall pay an annual fee of $1600.00.  May be paid in two (2) installments of $800.00.  1st by November 1, and 2nd installment by December 31.  Member teams shall also pay a one-time fee of $200.00 for Goalline website.
  2.  Member teams shall pay a forfeiture bond of $1000.00 into a non-lapsing fund, to be retained by the GLHL and paid to non-offending teams in the event of a NO-SHOW OR TEAM PLAYING SHORT OF PLAYERS.  Forfeiture fines
$300.00-$1000.00/game must be replenished immediately, or the offending team will be suspended from further GLHL play until payment is received.  This bond shall be refunded only upon a team’s dissolution and \or leaving the GLHL in good standing.
 3.  Prospective team(s) shall submit a request to the league of its desire to join the GLHL in writing ten (10) days prior to the annual league meeting.   New team(s) seeking acceptance to the league shall attend the league meeting prior to the up-coming season in which they want to join.  At the meeting the proposed new team(s) if accepted as a probationary team(s) shall present to the league a certified check for $6000.00.   $5000.00 is a non-refundable entry fee. $1000.00 is a required forfeit fee.  If the probationary team does not comply with all the rules of the GLHL and/or does not get accepted by the members of the GLHL as a new team, after the probationary season the $5000.00 fee will be forfeited and no money returned to the probationary team(s).  In addition, to the $5000.00 initiation fee, the probationary team(s) shall be required to pay the annual league fee of $1600.00.  No fees are refundable if the probationary team(s) FAILS TO COMPLY WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS TO THE GLHL OR FAILS TO GET THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF VOTES TO BE A MEMBER OF THE GLHL.  The $1000.00 forfeit fee will be disbursed among the league members. 
A team, wishing to withdraw from the GLHL shall submit notice to the   Secretary/Treasurer no later than the annual meeting prior to the season in which it no longer wishes to play.
            F.  EXPULSION:
A full league team may be expelled from the GLHL only by a unanimous vote of the other league members.
IV         TEAMS:
A.  Teams must be properly registered with USA HOCKEY / AFFILIATE (WAHA/MAHA) no later than December 31.
B. All players must be registered with USA HOCKEY and a copy of the transmittal sheet must be faxed/e-mailed/mailed to the Commissioner/Secretary before players begin practice
CUse of a non-registered/suspended player will result in that player being suspended for 3 games.  The team will be fined $500.00 and forfeit all points that would have accumulated using that player.  The fine must be paid before the next scheduled game.
1. Teams shall be classified Adult U. S.; restricted to U.S. citizens, either born or naturalized with final papers.  Limited as to exclude any reinstated Professionals.  No player shall be eligible to play in the GLHL who is under the age of 18, who has not graduated from high school., or the class one would have been in has not graduated. 
2.  Players that have participated in NCAA D1, D2, D3 or Junior College, College Club Team, or Junior A tier 1,2,3 may play in the GLHL upon receipt of written notice of removal from the respective team’s roster.  They must be assigned to a GLHL team by the 12/31 roster date.  NOTICE: written notice must be received by Commissioner and Secretary of the GLHL BEFORE a player can be added to a GLHL team’s roster.                                
3.  The GLHL will allow up to 3-non U. S. players per team.  If non-U.S. players are married to U.S. citizen, they are no longer considered an import after the first year.  They must also have a green card in possession and copies of the card must be sent to the Commissioner and Secretary of the GLHL BEFORE practicing or playing in the GLHL.
4. Teams may roster a maximum of 30 players including goalies, and only those players may dress for GLHL games.  Teams must submit a roster to the sec/treas. prior to their first GLHL game.  Final rosters must be submitted no later than December 31.  Players must provide identification upon request.  GLHL games shall be forfeited until rosters are properly submitted.
5.  Any player on a GLHL team is the property of that team.  If a player is to play for another GLHL team, that player must have permission form the coach of the team he is rostered on, and also the Commissioner.  If He plays without permission, he will be suspended from the GLHL for the rest of that season.  If it is near the end of that season, he may be suspended for the following season, time period to be ruled on by the Commissioner.
1.  Each team shall have 2 sets of uniforms, Dark (home) light (visitor).  Team jerseys, pants, helmets, and socks must match on all players.  If teams do not follow this by-law they shall receive a warning from the Commissioner, if a second and third warning is issued a $50.00 and $100.00 fine shall be accessed.  Any changes in team colors and /or names must receive prior approval from GLHL members.
V.  STATISTICS            
                        A.  TEAM ROCORDS/POINTS
1.  Each team shall play 20 games. They will play 2 games with league teams 1 home and 1 away. Team record and ranking will be based on total points as follows.  2/win, 0/loss, 1/for OT loss or shootout loss.  Standings will be posted to determine GLHL Tournament Seedings.
3.  If a tie exists in divisional and /or total points earned at season’s end, the following tiebreakers shall be used to determine a winner.  1) Total number of GLHL wins; 2) head-to-head competition between the tied teams; 3) head-to-head goal differential between the tied teams 4) Total goal differential against all GLHL teams; 5) Coin flip by the commissioner.
4. Starting with the 2022-23 GLHL season the GLHL I.T. Tech will be entering all games for the league.  A photo copy of the game score sheet must be submitted by phone or whatever means possible to the IT Tech no later than 9 am Sunday morning.  The original score sheet (no copies) to follow by mail on Monday morning to the GLHL Sec/Treas.   There is a $50.00 fine for any team not using official score sheets.  This fine may be levied for each non -use of the score sheet from the GLHL.
5.  The league Secretary will send out a newsletter as needed to coaches and/or team reps if there is League Business that pertains to them or suspensions.
1.   If a GLHL game is declared a forfeit, the offended team shall be awarded a 1-0 win and 2 points in the standings.  The offending team shall be credited with a loss, and may be subject to other fines and /or penalties as outlined herein.  NO scoring or assist points will be awarded for a game.
2.  Where a team loans the offending team players to play the scheduled game.  If, however a team plays with less than 10 players and wins the game points will be awarded for the win or tie, along with scoring points, assists.  But the shorthanded team may be required to pay the $300.00 penalty for not having enough players. IF REQUESTED BY THE OFFENDED TEAM.
C.  AWARDS:  The GLHL shall authorize and pay for the following awards at seasons end
1.  The GLHL shall award to the team acquiring the most total GLHL points, a Plaque and a 4x8 foot banner.
2.  Plaques shall be awarded at season’s end for leading scorer(s), best Defensemen, and top Goaltenders-based on total team G.A.A
3.  The top seven teams in league play will advance to the league tournament, plus the host team for the tournament.  Host team will play position earned or number 7, if not among the top 7. Bottom 4 teams in league standings will play a play-in match Thursday evening to earn 8th and 9th seeds in tournament. 9 teams will play for the traveling KOHLMAN CUP.
A.  On-ice officials must be properly registered with USA HOCKEY/AFFILIATE.
1.  The Referee-In-Chief shall assign Referees Linesmen shall be appointed by individuals at local levels at the approval of the RIC.
2. OFFICIALS names must be printed on the score sheet & written signature.
3.  The Referee must verify game rosters prior to start of game.
4. The Referee must communicate with partner(s) and consult with Linesmen in severe situations
a. Maintain awareness to all situations and assess any necessary penalties 
b. Oversee gatherings/altercations, maintain presence and direction to players and follow through with penalty assessment as per rules/policies/procedures.  
c. Players who do not conform and cooperate immediately as directed shall be assessed a Misconduct penalty, in addition to any others, or an appropriate (next step) penalty.
d. Face-offs must be controlled relevant to positioning/procedures.  Players must be aligned (SQUARE AND FAIR).  The quick drop face-off will be used.
C.  The referee will conduct mandatory Captains meeting at (1) one minute left in    the warmup.
D.  Referee will make sure games will start on time.
F.  LINESMEN:  Shall be qualified and registered/Affiliate.  Linesmen will be assigned by an approved local assignor, who will then send the names to the RIC to be entered in the official’s site on the GLHL. The Linesmen will then have to accept the games on the official’s section of GLHL website.,
1.  Communicate with partners and offer assistance to
Referee in severe situations

a. Hustle in at stoppages and gatherings as usual to help prevent potential situations  
b. Separate players, direct to break up, go to bench, go to penalty box, line up for face-off
c. Physically escort players to penalty box ONLY if they must be kept separated.
d. When (all clear) prepare and conduct face-off as efficiently as possible 
1.  Travel/Lodging expenses may be required if local linesmen are not available
2.  Travel will be paid at the rate of $14.00 per hour round trip, Max of 6 hours.  
3.  Officials will be paid in the referees’ room only.  Not in the lobby or elsewhere in the rink.  They should be paid before the game starts or by the 2nd intermission.
5.  These rates are in effect for the GLHL season of 2023-2024.  These rates will be in effect until changed by the league at an annual meeting.
6.  Unpaid game fees due to defunct teams or bad checks shall be paid by the GLHL with the offending team subject to fines/penalties by the Commissioner.
7. The GLHL shall use the USA Hockey approved 4-man officiating system for all games.  Referees will be paid $140.00 per game. Linesmen will be paid $100.00 per game
1.  The home team shall provide the following.  ADULT off-ice officials.  Official scorekeeper, Timekeeper, Penalty Box Operators(2), and Announcer if available.  Goal judges shall not be used.
2.  Off ice officials shall be under the general supervision of the Referee.
3.  Off ice officials shall act as neutral/unbiased representatives, subject to removal by the Referee if unable to do so.
I.          NO-SHOWS
            1.  All game officials are expected to fulfill GLHL scheduling commitments.
2.  Referee shall be subject to a fine equal to the game fee, or shall work a free   game for the offended home team in the event of a (no-show).  That Referee shall be suspended from further GLHL games until this is resolved.
3.  Linesmen and officials shall be handled accordingly by the home team in event of a no-show.  Teams shall be subject to fines/penalties by the Commissioner.  If this is a habitual scheduling problem, these officials may be assigned by the RIC /and or Commissioner, with home team responsible for any related expenses.
1.  Referee-in-Chief and Commissioner will track official’s performance during the season.  Teams should submit any concerns/compliments about officials as deemed appropriate.
2.  Evaluations with team input, shall determine future assignments and tournament selections.
                        A.  TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES
                                    1.  Home Team shall:
                                                a. Provide pucks for warm-ups
b. Provide linesmen and off-ice officials.
c. Pay officials’ game fees and expenses.
d. Provide proper rink security and crowd control-to- include player protection during movement of teams to and from locker rooms.
e. Wear dark colored game jerseys
f. Provide proper “game team” to play game as scheduled
g. Send Copy of original scoresheet to IT Tech for entry into Goalline and distribute score sheets.
h. Home team shall allow a 5 or 10 minute warm up, no matter if a team is late or on time to the rink.
                                                a.   Wear LIGHT colored jerseys.
b.   Provide proper game team to play scheduled game.
                        B.  PROPER GAME TEAM
1.  Each team must have a minimum of 10 skaters plus a goaltender (all properly Registered/Rostered.  If unable to do so, an offending team shall be fined $300.00, upon request which must be sent to the secretary/treasurer by Friday to be forwarded to the offend team.  The game shall be played as scheduled with the players present.  The offending team shall forfeit further GLHL games until the fine is paid.  A HOME TEAM IS ONLY THE OFFENDED TEAM.
2.  All teams must be in full matching uniforms or they cannot participate in a scheduled GLHL game.
            1. All teams are expected to fulfill GLHL scheduling commitments. 
            2.  In the event of a no show the offending team shall be fined $1000.00   and the Game Forfeited.
3.  Fines(s) shall be submitted to the Sec/Treas. By the following Friday, to be forwarded to the offended team.  If fine is not received timely, the offending team shall be suspended from further GLHL play until payment is received.  Fine(s) shall be progressive, with an additional $1000.00/forfeit assessed for each scheduled game until payment is received.
4.  Every reasonable effort must be made by all teams to make scheduled games.  In the event of severe and unavoidable situation, teams may work out an alternative agreement in lieu of fines/forfeits.  Cooperation and understanding are encouraged.
5.  Any team that walks off the ice during a GLHL game shall be fined $750.00, Exhibition or league game.  For any subsequent happening another $750.00 fine shall be assessed.
                        D.  SCORESHEETS
1. All players listed on the game score sheet must be properly registered /rostered and ONLY those players fully dressed and present on the bench shall in included.  REFEREE WILL VERIFY GAME ROSTERS.
2.  Score sheets must be neat and legible, should include the names of the teams, the teams’ coaches, and must have the games officials printed names and signatures.  This is necessary for statistics and reporting.
3.  Distribution of score sheets shall be:  Original sent to League Secretary, Copy to each coach and a copy to the Referee.  The score sheets should be sent to the league secretary weekly.
                        A.   Playing rules and equipment shall be USA Hockey, as amended by the GLHL
                        B.   Points of emphasis and zero tolerance
  • Late/high hits shall be strictly enforced
  • Head Contact shall be strictly enforced
                        C.   GLHL AMENDED PROCEDURES:
1.  Game times shall be published on the GLHL schedule.  Warm-ups (15 minutes) should begin 30 minutes prior to game time, with remaining allowed for resurfacing, maintenance, etc.
2.  Games shall consist of three 20-minute stop-time periods.  By mutual agreement of both teams’ coaches, running time may be played in the 3rd period. With the clock stopping when a goal is scored, when a penalty is assessed, and while being served (on the clock) and for any injury or unusual delay. 
3.  In the event of a tie, there will be (1) five-minute overtime period, 5 on 5, if still tied at the end of overtime, there will be a four-man shoot-out.  If still tied at the end of 4-man shoot-out, there will be another 4-man shootout with different players.  If still tied, the shoot-out will revert back to the original 4 players, etc., until the tie is broken.  It will be these same 4 plus 4 players until the tie is broken.  The winner will receive 2 points and the loser will receive 1 point.  There shall be no resurface and teams do not change ends.
4.  Teams may dress/roster 30 players, for GLHL games, and only those players dressed and present may be included on the game roster-REFEREES ARE TO VERIFY.   Additions/changes to the score sheet game roster may be made prior to the 2nd period with no penalty.  Any further adjustments to be handled as per USA Hockey rules.  All other team/bench rules shall apply.
5.  NO COINCIDENTAL MINORS shall apply in any penalty situation (i.e. ALL minor penalties will be served.) Teams shall play 4x4, 3x3, etc. as penalized.
6.  New goaltender entering a game for the first time may be allowed a one-minute warm-up.  This is not a time out, but is only allowed once per team, per game.  The new goaltender must remain in the game until play resumes and may not be replaced by another goaltender until the next stoppage of play, unless injured during warm-up (allow immediate replacement.)
7.  The GLHL will go strictly by USA Hockey rules for fighting, IF during a game a player gets cut a 5 minute major will be assessed to the offending player.  The offending team will play shorthanded for a full 5 minutes. (Referee discretion will come into play.)
8.  If fighting, third man in, or verbal abuse infractions occur to cause any player or coach to be removed, he shall be given a GAME MISCONDUCT and shall sit out the remainder of that game plus the next scheduled league affiliated game.  League affiliated exhibition teams will be accepted as a game played for this purpose.
9.  For all games between GLHL teams, all Match Penalties for attempts or intentional injury to another player, team official, shall be ruled upon by the League Commissioner.  Match penalties for abuse of official on/off ice will be ruled upon by the WAHA disciplinary committee.  The infraction must be detailed in writing by the Referee immediately following the game and forwarded with a copy of the game report and score sheet to the RIC and the GLHL Commissioner.  GLHL suspensions are in addition to those imposed by USA Hockey/Affiliates (WAHA, MAHA, AHAI.)  Game reports must also be entered on the WHOA website and/or faxed to the President of WHOA RIC within 24 hours, per WAHA/WHOA procedures.  GLHL will immediately forward reports from MAHA, AHAI officials, and/or games played in Michigan, Illinois to the appropriate authority.  Remember to submit all game reports on the website.
10.  Any player or coach involved in an off-ice infraction shall receive an automatic 10 game suspension, with a fine of $250.00 assessed to his team.  The fine must be sent to the Sec/Treas. by the following Tuesday.  The Referee shall be the only reporting Official, and all complaints during or after the game must be made to the Referee.  A second infraction by the same player or coach shall result in another $250.00 fine to his team and an automatic suspension for the remainder of that season plus all of the following season.  The off-ice area includes the players benches, score/time penalty benches, and in the complete building.
11.  If a player should cut an opponent with his stick a 5-minute penalty will be assessed (not reported as a major penalty.)  If the player is assessed another penalty for cutting an opponent with his stick, He shall be assessed a Game Misconduct per section VIII C-8.  NOTE: This rule applies to cuts only.  The type of injury that would require more attention than a bandage.  Scratches, scrapes, or bloody lips would not fall under this amendment.  However, if in the judgment of the Referee a stick caused minor injury to a player, that player would receive the normal High Sticking penalty of 2 minutes.  The Referee Staff will strictly enforce stick contact.
12.  QUICK FACE-OFFS.  After a stoppage of play, the visiting team will have 8 seconds to complete a line change.  After 8 seconds the Referee will raise his arm to signal the home team that they have 8 seconds to complete their line change.  The Referee will drop his arm, that signals the Linesman dropping the puck to blow his whistle and start counting out loud to five.  The centers shall take their proper positions at the face-offs before the count of 5.  NOTE:  When the puck is in the end zones and the defensive center is not ready, he will be ejected from the face-off.  If he is chronically late then the puck will be dropped.  If the center replacing the ejected center does not take his proper position a delay of game penalty will be assessed.  Face-offs in the neutral zone will be dropped by the count of 5
13.  If during an altercation a player without gloves strikes a player above the shoulders who has not removed his gloves, that player shall be removed from the game and assessed a 5 Minute Major penalty and a Game Misconduct, in addition to any other Penalties.
                        A.  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:
1.  TOURNAMENT ENTRY FEE SHALL BE $1000.00 PER TEAM, TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE Sec/Treas.  No later than March 1 of the current season.  Entries will not be accepted without fees.  Teams not properly entered will not be considered in the schedule/seeding process as outlined.
2.  Teams and players must be USA HOCKEY registered and rostered in compliance with all GLHL regulations. 
3. All players must have participated in 5 regular season games to be eligible for tournament play.
B.  SITE SELECTIONS:                                                                                     
1. Tournaments have been awarded (on a rotating basis) as follows; 2015- Portage Lake, 2016- De Pere, 2017 West Bend, 2018 Calumet, 2019- Mosinee, 2020-COVID, 2021- Mosinee(6 team covid tournament) 2022- Fox Cities, 2023- Calumet, 2024- Fond du Lac, 2025- Eagle River, 2026- Portage Lake, 2027- De Pere, 2028- Calumet, 2028- Mosinee, 2029- Marquette, 2030-Fox Cities.   If teams withdraw from league play, teams will move up accordingly as Hosts for the tournament.  If a team does not wish to host the tournament, they should notify the Commissioner well in advance of the year to be held.
2.  Site/Location/Arena should include the following:
a. Four Large, easily accessible locker rooms with showers, toilets, and must be lockable.
b. On-site security for teams and officials, uniformed if possible. 
c. Concessions available for ALL games, starting on first day of the tournament, 1st game and continuing after the Championship.  Food substantial enough for a meal not just snacks, plus non-alcoholic beverages and beer sales.
d. Adequate spectator seating (approximately 700-1000.
e. Reasonable admission fees charged to spectators, host to determine
f. Admission passes to participants:  Team members/staff, GLHL officers and game officials.
g. On-site pro shop and/or skate sharpening available.
h. Adequate hotel/motel facilities available (Approximately 200 rooms.
i. Hospitality room for players and officials.  
                                    1.  Seeding for a Nine Team Tournament: 
  1. Seeding will be based on regular season points earned, with the top seven-point getter and the host team being awarded tourney positions.  The host team will play at the position earned OR awarded the #7 seed.  Brackets will be 1,6,9—2,5,8—3,4,7.
  2. Beginning at the 2025 Tournament there will be two play-in games between the 8th through 11th seeded teams on Thursday evening at host tournament site to determine 8th  and 9th  seed for the tournament.   
  3. Host team will have the option of the Friday Evening games, early or late.
  4. If the host team is awarded the 7th seed the next highest team will play in the play-in round Thursday evening.
  5. In division play, if there is a tie, the wild card team will be decided by goal differential of the teams two (2) previous games played in the tournament.  If still tied the highest seeded team will be the wild card team.
1.  The (traveling) KOHLMAN CUP shall be awarded to the Champions plus a replica plaque to keep permanently.
2. The champions shall also receive a GLHL championship banner for their arena.
E. OFFICIALS SELECTION:  Referees and Linesmen (local when possible) shall be selected/assigned by the RIC for the GLHL and Commissioner.  Season ranking/evaluations shall be heavily considered in selections.  Team input will be considered for the semi-final and Championship assignments.  Officials will be paid regular season GLHL game fees along with regular GLHL travel fee and to be distributed by the RIC and the GLHL Sec/Treas.  The league will provide lodging for the officials.
1.  Playing rules shall be USA Hockey, as amended by the GLHL.
2.  Tournament:  In the event of a tie, there shall be a Three-minute rest period, followed by a 10-minute sudden death overtime period.  There shall be no resurface and teams do not change ends.  This procedure shall continue until a winner is determined.  After the first overtime ice may be resurfaced at Referees discretion and/or teams’ request.
**In Divisional format there shall be no overtime no ties**
1.   A two-minute rest period will be placed on the clock and       
      started immediately.
              2.   Teams shall not change ends
              3.  A five-minute period shall be played. 5 ON 5
 1. A two-minute rest period will be placed on the clock and  
     started immediately
2. The two linesmen will request a list of 4 shooters in the order   
     in which they will shoot from each coach.
3.  The referee will meet with the captains to explain the 
     shootout protocol during the two minute rest period.
4.  The home team has the option of shooting first or defending 
5.  If the shootout remains tied at the end of the first round, 4
                  different players will shoot in order dictated by the coach, this
     time in a sudden death situation.  Each team has an equal 
     number of chances to shoot before a winner is declared.
6.  If still a tie, in sudden death situation, repeat with original 4
     players in same order.  If still a tie repeat with second order of
     players and repeat sequence until there is a winner.
A.  Player selections from both divisions. North vs South
B.  Will play at league selected site and date in January of each season.
C.  League will help host city with up-front money to prepare for all-star game.
D.  No other games shall be played the night of the GLHL All-Star game.
E.  There is to be a skills competition between periods.
F.  Player selection will be set up by the league commissioner

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